「Al41 engine」熱門搜尋資訊

Al41 engine

「Al41 engine」文章包含有:「SaturnAL」、「AL」、「TurbofanaircraftengineAL」、「ArethegivenspecsoftheRussianjetengineAL41really...」、「SaturnAL-41」、「RussiaoffersAL41engineandN035radarforSu」、「RussiaUpgradesSu」、「AL-41engineproblemsareover」、「AL」、「SaturnAL-41」

D30 engineF414 engine
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Saturn AL
Saturn AL


The AL-41 is a designation for two different Russian military turbofan engine variants by NPO Lyulka-Saturn.

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土星公司的AL-41發動機是一款俄羅斯為新型戰鬥機設計的渦扇發動機。它的早期型號由AL-31F發動機為基礎發展改良推力而來,此即117A型(AL-41F1A),再來則是以117A型為基礎, ...

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Turbofan aircraft engine AL
Turbofan aircraft engine AL


The AL-41F-1S (article 117S) aircraft engine is a modular two-shaft turbofan engine with thrust vector control and integrated digital control.

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Are the given specs of the Russian jet engine AL41 really ...
Are the given specs of the Russian jet engine AL41 really ...


AL-41 is a three engines in fact. AL-41 - was an engine of MiG-1.44 prototype. It was almost ready for serial production, but the 90's.

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Saturn AL-41
Saturn AL-41


The NPO Saturn AL-41F is a Russian variable-bypass ratio turbofan engine, designed for supercruise flight.

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Russia offers AL41 engine and N035 radar for Su
Russia offers AL41 engine and N035 radar for Su


This engine provides 16% more thrust, and is also equipped with vector-oriented nozzles that provide so-called “super maneuverability”.

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Russia Upgrades Su
Russia Upgrades Su


Russia has announced a change in engine plans for its Su-30SM fighter jets, opting for the AL-41-FC1 engine from 2025 onwards.

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AL-41 engine problems are over
AL-41 engine problems are over


The 1.42's first flight has been delayed repeatedly, with Mikoyan saying that this was partly the result of problems with the power plant.

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The AL-41F is in the same size and weight class as the AL-31F, but technologically is closest to the General Electric YF120 developed for the F-22; i.e. its a ...

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Saturn AL-41
Saturn AL-41


The NPO Saturn AL-41F is a Russian variable-bypass ratio turbofan engine, designed for supercruise flight for the MFI (Mnogofunktsionalni Frontovoy Istrebitel)